Life been interestingly hectic this couple of weeks. School break (an entry in this blog is still WIP for that matter!) and the TM's invitation exhibition for CHAPS (that's Community of Hobbyists, Amateurs and Professional Photographers) or better known by the nick-name "Chap Ayam Photographers"....but I had time to read the books I am reading and of course the news papers....
Some may find it annoying when I say I read news from the internet or English based newspaper...and sometimes Berita Harian. No, it is not because I don't love Bahasa Melayu (or is it now Bahasa Malaysia again? Whatevuh...same difference to me lah!!) but the content in each mentioned media brings a different kind of product to your face....thus when somehow I picked up a Harian Metro no Sunday, I cannot help but wonder - why is it so much different from the NST??
The difference I am referring to is the kind of news it contained. Maybe it's more on entertainment this HM but even if it is so, I do hope the majority of Malaysian (Muslims in particular) are not really into "voting of sexiness" and giving reasons why the butt of some actresses won their vote...BY-GEORGE!! Don't you all have pride or respect for claiming being a Muslim?
So cheap...such a disgrace.
....and oh yes...the ever-so-fabulous busana Muslimah stuff - now it seems that the fake eye-lashes are "wajib" to be donned by Muslimahs for some kind of function or whatevuh...excuse me, I am not as smart as many of you out there when it comes to hukum-hakam agama....but is it not true that "wajib" in Fiqh is defined as what we are required to do in Islam, failure to do so will end us in negative value for the HereAfter? When you read it proper with some minor knowledge in fiqh, but of course the definition of "wajib" here can be referred to "lughah" of language...either way, is it really the teaching of Islam to wear stuff like that and put on make-up like you are a peacock..almost.
...and how do you actually do your solat with all those on your face? If the preparation takes time, do you have time for maghrib before going to that very important dinner with those eye lashes and all? Owhh..darurat? Sekolah kat mana dulu???
I guess, what we are witnessing now is the result of what we have been brought up with...what have been indoctrinated upon us, consciously, unconsciously, willingly, unwillingly. Much to the extend that what's not right according to Islam, can already be accepted as norm...though still not accepted by those who chose to really remain as true & real Muslim.
Anyway, to each his own....the only thing is, when "bala, bencana, malapetaka" come, it's for the, just be prepared, while we still have time....
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