Supposedly, I had to meet my buddy and do some shots of the business booth I co-sponsored for an event in Putrajaya. Lesson learned on that Saturday was, Park & Ride buses are cool...but the tram system that was supposed to support the carnival- suck big time!
Anyway, the kids enjoyed the bus ride. Maybe one day when they are ready we'll do a bus-trip journey. That would be fun, I guess...but that will have to come after their first camping trip which is something the twin have always been asking since they were 5 years old.
The crowd in Putrajaya was just too much to handle - with the heat and humidity on the top of the chart - the kids were dehydrated and we decided to call it off, and take a break at a nearby On The Run....then back to our rumahpangsa...just in time to enjoy Nim's Island! It was one of their favorite movies when they were younger...and they still enjoy it yesterday....after Nim's Island, everything seems dark and cozy....last thing I heard was - "Byee Ayah kita nak pergi pool"...
Ever since I am on this medication-diet (or whatever you wanna call it), I have not been taking rice for almost a month and a bowl of soup is enough to make me full and I guess that's why I could not really recall what we had for dinner!!! Anyway, the kids were surprisingly still energetic after a long day...so, I had to do something...bedtime story the extended version....and they slept well.
The next thing I knew, wifey asked me to switch off the TV!! My notebooks were all around me, I guess I must have been trying to sketch the framework for my documentary works to be featured somewhere by year end....or was I just trying to sleep on the couch? Entahlah!!

We had a late start on Sunday which is ok, since our everyday starts at 5:45am, so 6:30am is still ok compared to those who stars they weekend at 1pm!!!! :o)
The whole bunch decided to lepak by the pool - kids wanna play with their scoots. After a light breakfast we head on to the library (rather a reading room for me!) and spend the day in there until we had lunch at the clubhouse cafe.

It was a nice way to spend the weekend. Since the kids can now read storybook and all (including Neena) we are trying to make them accustom to be in a library environment. Everybody bring their own writing equipments and notebooks....and they enjoy sitting together drawing, sketching, writing, reading....and I finally managed to properly do the framework and initial contacts for the documentary projects.
Maybe I would not be able to to all this if I am...say....a golf addict....I think....?
I cannot ask my kids to sit and read, write, sketch if I am not doing the same thing.....but then again golfers (or desperate wannabe) may just bring their kids to the course and play all 18-holes with the family!!!
Well...I am not fortunate enough like them...but I am very fortunate to be me and to be with my family because, that is the best way of life I can ever think of....most of all, sincerely living it, not living it because I desperately want to be acknowledged by the society!
That is why I never peduli if people ask me why I don't play golf...as if it is a sin!
Here's my actual answer that I never have the heart to tell any golfer:
There's more to life than just wasting a bundle of hundred RM and a weekend with 18 overly used holes.....aye?
Hmm...while I am at it, just to answer other "groupies" killer questions too:
+ There is more to life than going on a joy-ride with that expensive two-wheeled machine underneath your balls...while riding, the positives of your amal get depleted per kilometer of ride because of the rasa juah & riak menunjuk2....aye?
Ohh spare me the argument, please! Setitik halus pun sure mesti ada rasa bangga memiliki dan menunjuk2 mototbusat kat public...kan?
+ There is more to life than going around all weekend shooting almost naked model yg dah mmg dia tu bini orang or anak orang...sesetengah awak tu dah ada cucu pun masih bodoh nak mampus lagi pasal light & basic exposure...nak kena ada model tertonggeng2 baru boleh belajar?? Dah abis belajar pasal hukum agama yg paling basic....dah?
Nope, aku tak perli sesiapa in person. Just reminding everybody in general and I am just telling myself yet again how fortunate I am to sincerely live a life with this beautiful family of mine!
Marah? Well...I never invited you to read my ramblings in the first place.... :o)