Alisya & Naufal first taste of primary school - orientation day.
Nothing much but it is still a big day for them, our babies!
Their first steps....and they are taking it very well, being the minority among hundreds of Chinese friends, they made some friends quite immediately....
Good thing I somehow got extra cash in the pocket of my cargo pants on that sum on the board, times 2...eheheh!

<-- The kid yg berbelit kat kaki mak dia tu is really melampau laa! Over manja case laa nih! Aku cukup tak faham apsal ada parents nak mengadap anak sampai tunggu tepi tingkap, mengganggu class, let them be on their own, you would not want want your kid to be depending on you all the time (mmg ada pun laa yg sampai dah bercucu pun still bergantung pada mak bapak!!)

Official school day starts on January 4th 2010. They were ready for action, woke up around 5:50am and with their "tapau" food they are at school by 7:20am. Picked them up at around 1pm with Aliya who finished kindergarten early at 10am. Off to studio for family lunch, mid day bath and rest until evening.
That's the daily arrangement for the first week, by second week they would be having classes till the rate they are going, they still have energy even though it is late evening!
That's the daily arrangement for the first week, by second week they would be having classes till the rate they are going, they still have energy even though it is late evening!
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