I just could not believe it that I have been on leave for almost full 3 working weeks!! Not that I intentionally want to but it was due to the eye disease, 2 weeks and then the school break - nobody to take care of the kids!
...yeah, I kinda enjoy it but I wish I could do more - with only one functioning vehicle and eye, I guess it was ok. At least the twins are now confident to jump into the bigger & deeper pool with their floaters & Aliya can swim a distance of about 2meters in the adult pool too.
I promised her I'm buying her a proper float soon, to encourage her to be more confident, insyaAllah.
Well, at least we can see some result from time to time - bringing the kids to swimming pool - and spend time with them. Nothing like some parents who'd just assign the maids and or swimming instructor....but they have their own reasons and all.

Other than that, like the kids, their appetites are really growing. They know what they want to eat or where they want to eat. No, we do not allow them fast foods and the likes as often as they want but from time to time, yes we do allow it - they are kids & they need to grow up as normal kids, not like a health freak or what!
Yeah, they get a fair deal of swets & fast foods from time to time..but they siwm at least 2 times a week and go to the park running & s
Some people can get surprised when I pass my kids the Sigg bottle that I often carry everywhere and I'd say - "Ok Neena, come here, nah minum air gas Neena".....some "kononnya" health conscious perdson will definitely start a lecture....but the fact is (like I would alway tell some people who look surpfised at me when I give my kids "air gas" (carbonated drinks laaa tu) - my kids refer to plain water as "air gas"!

Japanese foods would be one of their favorite. I don't really know what the rest are called but edamame is a must. 3 plates of it. So, once a month

It's a joy seeing them enjoying the foods....
We did Sushi King last night, since they have been talking about it for a week or so, just so that they have the "drive" to go back to school....
after sushi, we bought some doughnuts...another fav of them - The Big Apple.....each of them has own favorite - they will choose the same one everytime!
Will have to spent more time with them this week - cuz Mama is going off to Bandung so...I am left alone to handle the kids again!

...hmm..need to be able to adjust the E71's manual camera setting more efficiently
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