Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Koleq revisited

Okay, I am not one of those who would boast around telling every living being he went to MCKK...I'd just say I went to Sekolah Melayu Jalan Stesyen to avoid all the unnecessary mumbo-jumbo. Not that I am not thankful to Allah because it was my parents & even my own prayers been answered but I just prefer to not boas around - for what lah? Of course, some people would just attack the bunch who came from this so called School of Kings. Lantak korang la! Yg wa tau, I was there and enjoyed the camaraderie of my Xantheus Commune.
MCKK Serang Lagi!

The shots here were taken at the end of 2008. Decided to drove to KK after a wedding invitation in Ipoh, hoping to get a room at the KK Resthouse but apparently everything is full house - including the homestay places!!

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