My wifey's work of art......
never have I seen such gorgeous looking cup cakes
(and it tastes really delicious too) in my life....
try one and you'll not argue at all with my statement...
never have I seen such gorgeous looking cup cakes
(and it tastes really delicious too) in my life....
try one and you'll not argue at all with my statement...
A close-up of a perfect work of art
We had a good weekend. As always.
Saturday was spent mostly in our little homey - Mama has got a delivery order to make. It seems that her cup cake business is gooing quite well.....if you are reading this you should buy her dozen set of cute & deliciously yummy work of art. You will not regret it! I am not bragging or what but the fact of the matter is, Mama will almost always receive IMMEDIATE SMS from the buyers - as soon as they open the packaging or had the first bite of those cup cakes they bought from Mama - telling how amazed they are with the design and taste of those cuties. That is how good those little cup cakes Mama made.
So, anybody want to order a dozen?
The Sunday was particularly reserved for meeting with my cousins. We are going to have our first family gathering soon and it will not just end there.....we have a bigger plan which tagged to the main intent to take care of the welfare of the family members and to keep us united for as long as we can and especially to keep the new generations in the know of their roots. It is about time (long to for some!) for us to unite as a big family and support each other! It was really refreshing to meet the cousins of mine which I seldom have the opportunity to except for Raya and kenduri sessions, itu pun depending on who will be back in kampung.
Not all the cousins managed to come for this pro-temp meeting but we will progress from here, insya-Allah. Next meeting will be in Melaka (Whoohoo!!!)
The kids are kind of "manja" with me this weekend.....Aliya has this curent craze of "slamdunking" herself on me whenever she feels like it, and if she's with her milk bottle she'll find a space next to me to comfortably park herself.....sometimes she even offerd me her bottle!
Alisya and naufal will grab a pillow and we'd cuddled close together...add some rain and cooling breeze, it will be a perfect setting for a nap surrounded by little angels!
Hmmm...maybe I'll ask Unlce PATA to teach them this game when they are a bit older
It was a weekend well say the least...but it could be better if we can fly the kites!
Well...cannot win them all, all the time!
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