We had a great Raya celebration - went back to kampung for the last few days of Ramadhan (hope to see you again next year Ramadhan!) and first few days of Eid. The kids enjoyed being with the cousins and relatives - the played all day long and had to be forced to sleep! We put up pelita around the compound and played mercun in the night - for the first time in my life I actually bought mercun!
On the third Raya we went back to Kuching - equal excitement! Meet all of our the families over there and as always, everytime we come back to Kuching it is like a holiday.....
....went for river cruise, small family picnic at Pasir Panjang, cool dip at Sungai Cina in Kubah...evening walks at the Waterfront....eat out at the new places and the usual favorite places....arrghhhhhh....can we rewind the time please!!!
Back from Kuching, we spent a night in JB before going back to SateVille.....the first Saturday we organized our yearly OpenHut event at our little homey - the kid had another boost of celebration. This year while some usuals could not make it many new faces turned up - the headcount is probably one of the highest we ever had. Am just glad the guests still love the usual items we serve - by polular demand...could not change the menu due to that!
On Sunday we went to Uncle Bawal's OpenBungalow event - yet another round of celebration for the kids...frankly I am just glad they did not jump into the fish pond!
Wish I can write more but sleep have been an issue ever since I got back from holiday...overall I can say the raya break was really great, a deserved one, and it was really nice....and very frankly I just can't wait to retire from this corporate zoo and live life happily-er than ever over there!

....why can't I just get paid for vacationing instead of doing stuff for stewpeedidiots who get paid more then me?!! For now, I am the only one running the show (although the "leaders" see it as just merely assisting them - DUH!) since CL is on maternity leave...
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