Last weekend (the one before Indy race weekend) we went back to kampung for aqiqah for all the kids in our family and potong jambul session for Aliya, Raiyan & Danish. Unfortunately Danish could not be there because Angah had to attend a company event.

Kompang Team...and tukang sibuk -->

Tu Ustazah Zainon tu Aliya, cikgu sekolah agama masa Ayah, Pak Ngah & Mak Ra still schooling

Tu Ustazah Zainon tu Aliya, cikgu sekolah agama masa Ayah, Pak Ngah & Mak Ra still schooling

Fatin Syafiqa (my anak sepupu) Johan Qariah Johor if I am not mistaken

Some of the crowd...mcm tak ramai jer orang2 muda....hmmm
Aaaa ini la kerja anak dara aku, membelasah tapai, manja sgt dgn Tuk Abah dia
...the best place to be in any kenduri-kendara -
kat tempat masak (kebuk) where all the yummy hot foods are still hot!

...the best place to be in any kenduri-kendara -
kat tempat masak (kebuk) where all the yummy hot foods are still hot!

The session went well, the tiring part was when there were just about 8 of us to do the aqiqah.....werrgh....half of "the team" was not really trained or have a proper skill to do it but Alhamdulillah it all went well.
The week following that weekend was hectic and filled with some ridiculous out of focus meeting by the zookeepers. That will be told later. Perhaps.
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