Well dudes, the Jedis actually have a township in Sarawak!!! Check out the signboard below kalau tak caya....

Jedi Township...hekhekhek!
And it happens that NekCat has a cantina in this Padawan Township

The Cantina
...but the best mee kolok, mee belacan is not served there lah....its served in another "branch", right in the middle of Satok market area...best woooo mee belacan, belum cuba belum tau beb!

Mee Belacan!! Woohooo!
Well anway, the cantina is quite far from our residence, but the area is cool.
Not too hot, windy and when it rains, rasa macam nak tidur aje.

Naufal & NekCat
The twins visit the cantina and create mini-tornadoes while they were there

Buy laa one more drink! I give you my adik if you buy!

Today, I will be the tokey!
After that we went to the park on the way back to Kuching.
They found their favorite playground toy - the buai!

Buai time!
This "Red Bridge" park is kinda cool. The water is very clear and cooling.
The twins went for a dip....I didn't, forgot to pack the adventure gear cuz initially the park was not in our agenda!

Alisya blowing bubbles
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