Nebula 25
I am a bag person.....you know, those who will always carry a day-pack rucksack or some call it knapsack kinda bags.
If I can recall correctly, my first real day-pack was an Adidas (forgot the name), dark purple in color and with the capacity of 30L. I bought it using my first scholarship allowance during my early college years. It will always be with me, wherever I go. It lasted a few years and then the Adidas “retired”, replaced by other bags. I wonder where is that Adidas now.....somebody borrowed it despite it’s bad condition due to years of heavy duty….never seen it after that…
That was way back in the 1990's.
Fast forwarding the story, now my day-pack is a JanSport, Nebula 25 series, which I bought at a below market price during a sales period….way below and it’s the only Nebula 25 on display on that day! I think they tagged it wrongly!
Why do I always carry my day-pack everywhere I go? Well mainly because of my size - I am a fat dude! - thus I don't feel comfortable putting all the things I need to have in my pockets. I'd just dump my wallet & hand phone in my pockets. I have used cargo pants and I still feel a day-pack is a better option....and I think it's cool to carry a day-pack regardless whether it's not fashionable or whatever!
....and what are the things that I will always have in the day-pack?
Here's the list:
1. LED Torch: for emergency purpose. You'll never know, when a blackout happens it's really handy I tell you.
2. Bandanas: a Nike (same as my kids!) & a Renault F1 2004 (JT). If it gets too hot or it's a bad hair-do day for me...heheheh! As if! I am almost a skinhead! The bandanas are always there for my gym use actually.
3. Ball-point pen: well, you must have this laa kan!
4. Minyak cap kapak: Heheheh! Just incase!
5. My business cards and staff card: well, the business cards will be in all of my bags!
6. My "mini survival tool pack": which contains a very old & used-up Swiss Army knife and a set of screwdrivers, need to include a lighter and some first-aid elements in there, soon.
7. Bluetooth headset: SE HBH-35. Seldom used, only when driving long distances.
8. My "digital survival kit": a rugged Lowe traveler's wallet that contains: multi-card readers and it's cord, USB expansion cord, compact phone-cable cube, compact AV cord, Orinoco 802.11b Silver ('fried' to Gold!), PCMCIA-to-CF adapter, MS adapter (MS-duo to MS), Bluetooth CF card, IBM lappie "red-nipple" thing, Thumb drive.
9. My PDA: as for now its a Tungsten T2. Why I carry it? Well in this baby I have all my contacts, Quran, my schedule (not necessarily updated cuz this is not my main PDA), and other stuffs. The T|T2 is mainly used as my back-up device and for MP3. Main PDA is actually the P900. The T|T2 is placed in a small "medical bag" together with my S2 and P900 earphones, thus protected from damage and such....I hope!
Those are the items that will remain in the Nebula 25 most of the time. Depending on my plan for the day, the other items that will be in the day-pack would be:
10. My Netbook or Notebook or my digicam: depending on my plan for the day.
11. My kid's stuff: diapers, extra clothing for each of them, some toys…..their toys, not mine!
12. A book that I am currently reading (or plan to read!!)
Do you carry a rucksack like me juga?!