The image above was taken a bit more year ago. KLCC was one of the places we'd regularly be bringing Alisya & Naufal for a stroll.
Insya-Allah by this date next year, they'd be pushing the wheelers of their kid bro/sis (or insya-A llah..both?!)
We have decided to use the facilities at Glen Eagles Intan Medical Centre. Our first visit to the gynea was last Friday morning and it was......erkk cool (?!). We were informed that the baby (which we are currently nick-naming Baby Achoncho) is already 6 weeks old. The next visit would be next week by that time Baby Achoncho would be 2 months old.
We are praying hard day & night, for everything to be smooth and easy for the baby.
....and guess what....Alisya & Naufal have been acting quite differently lately.
Naufal is becoming more "manja" to Mama , easily merajuk. Alisya would always want me to dukung her. At times, she'd woke up at 4 or 5am, and I had to dukung her until she's asleep again, just like when she was a baby...only difference is...she's about 10KG more now! ...ahh those days....My "shift" starts 3am onwards - kinda unwritten rule between me & wifey...if the baby (any of them!) wants attention, susu etc, before 3am its Mama's territory..beyond that, I will be the custodian lah!
Well, we're not really strict on the time actually, cuz sometimes I tuang, sometimes she'd tuang!
One thing for sure the kids seldom "tuang" from waking us up lah!
Well its good that Alisya wants to be carried by me in the early hours actually, I take it as being "re-trained" for the same cycle with the coming baby (babies?!!)!
Ohh my!! Life is becoming more interesting!
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