A dawn in Kijal
Today is "the twin's" birthday......they are two already!
Mama has planned something, and as always, they are going to enjoy it but apart from that, we have a really big gift for them.....read on.....
....we have been married for almost 6 years (30.5.1999) and wanting to have babies since that day....can't really recall the amount we have spent to pay the specialists, with the same result all the time - "everything is normal, nothing is wrong with both of you".....
when we decided to have Alisya Irdina.....and then Naufal Irsyad, they opened new doors to our life, we love them more and more each day.......
.....and yesterday, it was confirmed that...they are going to have a kid bro/sis (or maybe both?!)
....I can't think of a better birthday present for them
In one of my earlier posts....some of the comments were like "speculating" that we're having a baby....maybe its because of the sentences I wrote, which may tend to lead towards a conclusion that CT (my lovely wife) is pregnant......
Thank you my dear friends.....thank you very much.....our prayers have finally been answered....am gonna to pray even harder than ever from now on....please pray for us too?
...and I want to share something with you guys here:
I have been telling myself all these years.....never under estimate the power of doa......
Mama...I love you so much....
Alisya....kakak, you will always be my first child/daughter sayang!!
Naufal....adik, (we should start calling you abang actually!) you will always be my first son....my hero!!
Mak & Abah, Bapak & Mak...thank you so much for your endless prayers...
Angah, Tini, Lala, Wan, our siblings/family in Sarawak, and Johor....thank you so much for your support all these years...
ALHAMDULILLAH.....Ya-Allah....YOU are truly GREAT....segala rahmat you kau turunkan ke atas keluarga kami selama ini......aku syukuri dengan hati yg luhur....and this new chapter in my life, made me want to be a more humble servant of yours....AllahuAkbar....