Another opportunity to welcome another Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah. The activities would probably be quite the same but with different learnings and experiences, insyaAllah. Honestly, I just want to keep on moving and not bother about anything else but only my set goals and intention.
I am glad the kids are into fasting, yes of course there would be the part where they'd grumble - waking up for sahur, feel the thirst conquering by mid day etc etc - but at least they're starting to learn and understand what it is all about.
Aliya managed to do her first full day on the 4th day of Ramadhan. Alisya has not missed a single day yet and so is Naufal - who's with Tok Mak for some medication matters.
I hope and pray the month of Ramadhan will be a good month for all of us...insya-Allah...just please remember, it is not an "adat", cultural is part and parcel of our religion, Islam.
Let's really do our best to fast and behave like true Muslims...not Malays...