After solat Jumaat last week, I had a humbling moment...and I want to share it with all, especially my kids and wife and my family.......
If there's ever a prayer that I never for about a decade, it would be the solat sunat after Jumaat, and on that Jumaat, I spent some time after the prayer for some doa, thinking and reflecting....and then I stood and walked out of the praying area. I saw a pakcik with a tongkat walking towards the restroom area. He stopped as he reached the set of stair, put his tongkat down and tried to go down the small steps with his arms leaning hard against the wall in his effort to avoid from falling.
I was quite astounded by the effort of this old man...but I could not just stand and admire his effort so I helped him to get down the stairs and handed his tongkat and helped him to walk across to the restroom area.
Then came Pakcik Wahab (the famous Wahab Cendol owner lah) who gave the pakcik an amount of cash. (I can understand why....because I observed that Pakcik Wahab will need the assistance of his sons to climb up his driver seat of his van every time after prayer.)
The pakcik thanked me.....but I was worried that he would fall down or what, when I asked him if he's ok, he said he's fine, no problem, no worries, thank you.
I left the mosque with questions in my head....
I am blessed with lotsa good things in life.....and one of it would be having good parents. My Abah is still able to walk on his own. So is my Mak.
The incident with the pakcik made me questioned myself:
- would I be there when Abah or Mak or my parents in-law need assistance like that pakcik?
- would there be a person to assist them if I am not there with them?
- would my wife and/ or children still care for me when I reach that age and situation (if ever)?
- would there be a person to assist me when I reach that age and situation (if ever)?
.....being able to walk easily is something too natural for me (and many of us)...and I tend to forget that one day, it is possible that I would face some difficulty to walk - as age adds on to my life.
....and it made me think, time will still fly as we are busy living or working or doing whatever it takes day-in day-out until that moment came for us to realize that we have spent so many years living....and here we are, at that point of time in the future, realizing that we have missed something or lost something along those years..and perhaps,regretting it.
Appreciating the small little details of blessings from Allah is probably something that I have took for granted. Thank you to that pakcik (and Alhamdulillah, thank you ALLAH) for that moment that made me realized about being more thankful of what I have been blessed with.
...and I might have been too demanding to my kids & wife.
I sensed that it is quite an effort for me to ask for a hug and kisses from them nowadays.
I must learn to accept that being hugged is not something that I can ask anymore, it is something that they should be willing to do....but nevertheless I would always hug and kiss them whenever they are in need of one. Maybe one day they will meet a pakcik like I did last Friday.