She already made up her mind to attend the same school like Alisya & Naufal...and somehow, quite a surprise to me, she said when she grew even bigger she wants to go to the college next to the school (which will be operational anytime if I a not mistaken)..and oh yes, she always pointed out - Uncle Vig's condo is behind there!!!

I would be lying if I claim I a not worried about their future. Being a self-employed father of 3 growing kids, is a challenge. I admit I kinda miss the constant figure in my bank account at the end of each month. They might not be having the opportunities like the children of the organization I used to be in but I am trying my best to make it much better for them, trying and praying. The journey in there for me was a disaster, from highly enthusiastic to totally bitter, so, I left the building without anybody helping me to carry my stuff - though a number of good buddies wanted to lend a hand - for me, I came in on my own, I must go out on my own....and build my own future...and have more time together with my loved ones...sound easy and romantic but it requires a different drive and mentality and miles and miles and miles of hearts, I guess.
...but I am sure, InsyaAllah, since 10-Nov-2009, life have been better for the kids...