...as soon as I can get connected, I'll tell the story
~ on Symbian mobile device
Now I am connected, for real. We decided to gat the Celcom Broadband for our usage at home and on the move.
Why Celcom Broadband despite the recent slack on their system? Well simply because there's no other really reliable service provider in this BolehLand-lah. Is there? NOPE. WiMax has failed us for the last time, ultimately....such a sad case, it used to be very very reliable, for a couple of months...and then it was just a waste of time to get them to respond to our problem & issues...so much so that most of the time it would always end up them telling it probably is our fault - connection setting laaa, have to key-in specific IP laaa...BUT the most consistent reason given - Network enhancement in progress....my oh my...banyak la kau punyer enhancement...ceh!
So, it is up to the wifey now whether she wants to continue of not with the WiMax account....but as far as I am concerned, when it come to P1 WiMax...it is so lousy and rather than asking about how lousy it is, it is just better for you to go pee one leh!
OK, before the story....
Last night we went to WangsaWalk Mall, since the kids have been saying how much they loved the pizza thingy they ate during Ramadhan....I was not there with them. So, off we go...and it was really good - the taste of the pizza and the friendliness of the staff/ owner of the small set-up.
....while I was standing and waiting for our orders, I managed to observe the passers-by and somehow catch a bit oftheir conversation (as I was busy trying to compose on the small screen of the E71). The was this one particular person - with his small daughter about the same age of my Alisya, who stopped by and observed the going-ons at the stall.
The guy stopped and took a close look at the stall, the I heard he murmured, "Hmmph...tak mau lah, C1n4..."
Well well well....so much about 1Malaysia spirit....
The workers were Malay locals, the owner are Chinese entrepreneurs. Most of the people lining-up waiting for their turn to order are Malays & Chinese. All halal stuff used, nothing wrong with the setting at all...so what's with the remark done by that bloke?
I recall the time when I used to help my mother & father in-laws at their warung in a kampung place near Kajang, just a few years before we got our kids. Me & wifey woudl drop by straight from office, do Maghrib prayers and helped them out until closing time about 930pm or so.
The location of the warung is quite strategic, it is actually house with 2 bedrooms, with 2 car park - sheltered, near to the main street of the kampung, so it is very accessible.
I'd do teh tarik and whatever drinks being ordered, wifey would help prepare the simple dishes - special recipe mee jawa (read about it couple of entry below this!), mee goreng, mee soup etc..simple stuffs but tastes good and reasonably affordable for the kampung folks.
The in-laws did the warung just out of boredom and to get extra money, since they were doing nothing most time of the day anyway and they panned to stay a while before going back to Kuching at that time. Business was good, clean income of about Rm100-200 per day, is not bat at all, I guess.
Only one incident that made me wonder till today:
One fine evening as I was pulling some teh for a couple of customers, my father-in-law was being asked by one of the - why are there chop-sticks on the tables. The person continue to say we should not put chop-sticks, because we are not serving the Chinese, not serving non-halal foods.
Being nice people, we did what he asked and no more chop-sticks on the tables from that day on.
Pakai kopiah, pi solat jemaah 1-2 waktu sehari, dah rasa riak sampai nak claim diri tu berilmu sangat?!
Same with the guy at the WangsaWalk - just because it is owned by Chinese, then cannot but from the stall?
Racism to the minute definition...sad but true.