Well anyway, today I had to work offsite - a departmental meeting outside the Zoo - trying to give "smart" input and ideas The days before, had to cover some shoots (not really my KPI but VITAL for my future development heheheh!) and co-facilitate for a gathering of the zooleaders. The rest of the days before that was spent trying to get things done....or convincing people to get things done...or just look like doing something to get things done! Eheheh!
The fun side of life was after the official zoo hours were done.....especially before bedtime when it is time to wrestle the babies to sleep...and the wee hours in the morning where the babies would wake up each other and create a minor mess in their room...the little one is really too cute and cheeky sometimes I just wish I do not have to work and just spend the whole day with the kids instead of being in the Zoo.
OK..the reality is, I still have to work and deal with the Zoo-poo, so, be it and while doing that I can still be happy......so, no big deal, life goes on!
The weekend is another story. I have been actively involved with the shutterbugs activities recently and actually today I was amazed to be informed by ted that he's "cooking' something up for me and I had to submit some of my works to be evaluated to the client he's meeting tomorrow...if everything goes well the "masyuk" will be substantial.....we'll talk about it when it happens lah but for now, since last week I have done 2 outings - one individually and another one with the CS dudes....and a TT session with the CS.
The CS dudes were the ones who were privileged enough to get the first preso on my shots (during TT gua punya works dah kena taji & koyak daaaa!) For the benefit of those who did not manage to join the TT, here are the result of the first outing...TT and the other outing will be staged later lah ok gua letih laa nak tulis & post byk2 at one go!
Note: For the sake of argument, I use D70S with kit lense for all of the shots done...imges hav ben reduced from JPEG fine L format to adobe jpg files, 72DPi.
Date: 19th. January 2007 - It is one of those days where I had to send my lovely wifey to work although I am on leave and the kids are schooling. So, I decided to shoot some street stuff and other interesting subjects I can find within the day....

Started at the Twin Towers...this dude was happily tapping away on his PPC Phone, did not even notice my presence, had the luxury to compose & recompose and adjust my settings...the result posted is the best I managed to get.
Then I took the subway to CM. Took some shots before I got out of the station.
(An Old Hotel near Klang Bus Stop)
The color of this building attracted me to compose this one. Nothing special about this building - well at least nothing that I knew about actually!

The color of this building attracted me to compose this one. Nothing special about this building - well at least nothing that I knew about actually!

If I have a proper zoom lense it could have been a better shot.
Makes me wonder how some people are capable to really mis-used their cool talents!

(TNB Powerhouse)
The blue & red of this building will stand out with proper exposure and lighting. Trying to get the best angle/ composition using the tool I have. Maybe next time if I should use speedlights for more dramatic lights?

I actualy "tiru" this one from freak's portfolio (wassup dude!) but not totally 100% tiru lah! with some cropping done and minor curves adjustments, I am quite happy with this composition...that dude is holding a P&S.
From the Petaing Street & Klang Bus Stop area, I moved towards CM area....
(At a junction)
Heheh....probably would be an interesting story to be told if the lady is walking towards the "Reggae Bar" instead. Notice the signboard....so many places to go to!

Heheh....probably would be an interesting story to be told if the lady is walking towards the "Reggae Bar" instead. Notice the signboard....so many places to go to!

This used to be one of the usual barbershop that I go to when I was a student. Infact, this is where I got my ponytail that I kept for about a year or so (brutal siut masa tu side rambut skinhead, tapi belakang ada ponytail tuuu...time tu gue team manager/ assistant instructor for the Malaysian Varsity taekwondo Team). Approached the machaa and talked a bit with him, asked him to pose for a shot (end up with a couple of shots!) which I took across the street.

This worker was friendly enough to response to me calling him to look at the lense...not much time to re-compose so I had to make the best with the spilt second I had him to look at the camera.

The color of this section of the building is McD enough but McD operates just next to it.

Some imperfection can be an interesting art too...who needs perfections all the time anyway?!

Well..some bird watching can also be done without white lenses but one day I would want to do the real bird watching thing too lah!

I spent quite a chunk of my time to compose these images of this building...trying hard not to end up with typical "tourists shot". I think I did quite well here...

(At a junction again)
OH my...where do I want to go next?!
The best option was to move towards Masjid Negara, simply because the Friday prayer time is near....

(Homeless dude)
This dude was resting and it took me a while before I decided to disturb his rest. Tried to communicate using voice but apparently he can't speak, so I used sign language instead and asked him if he's already eaten. He nodded. Good, because I forgot to pack some grubs with me anyways! So, I gave him some small amount of cash (already pre-planned the night before the outing, together with the route & subjects to shoot!) He was happy to accept it. After a while I "asked" him if I can take some photos of him..he nodded and I took the least time possible to compose and get the best shots of this dude....the dude was lepaking at quite a difficult for me to compose decently good shots but I did what I could to minimize time I am wasting off the dude's resting time...break all the rules except my one and only "Titanium Rule of PhoTorqueGraphy" - it is all about capturing moments!

When I arrived at Masjid Negara, that usual weekly havoc is still there. The "pasarmalam" like environment is still there ever since I moved from Dayabumi. Cool.

I was mistakenly identified as a reporter/ photographer by this dude but I managed to convince him to continue with his "job" while I took some shots...this one's my favorite.
Then it was time for Friday prayer.....while I was entering the mosque, a brother taxi driver approached me and asked from which press I am from (Hahahah! The Nikon pro-photog vest really works!) Apparently he has been noticing me taking my shots from the CM/ Klang Bus Stop area and he was amazed how far I have walked and covered...then he talked about taxi permit & the politics behind it and wish some press would do some coverage about it...I told him I can't promise much but I will see what I can do lah...after we shook hands (ohhh his name is Aziz by the way) we went into the mosque for the ablution & preparation for the khutbah hearing. After the prayer, there was a small demonstration on ISA issue - nothing interesting to stage here.... so I went to take some shot of the resting place of Allahyarham Tun Dr Ismail, as requested by Kimster.
(Maqam Pahlawan)
I found the perspective of the entry into Maqam Pahlawan is an interesting composition.

I found the perspective of the entry into Maqam Pahlawan is an interesting composition.
By this time, my big tummy is already grumbling....time to fill it up...but I stopped at the gate for a final shot....a daughter of a foreign beggar....perhaps a year younger than my twins...
...what if this is YOUR daughter?
Well...you should be thankful of what you have now peeps! There are people out there who have much less than we do...
After this shot, I went for lunch - BURRPP!! - at the gerai I used to go to on Fridays while my office was in Dayabumi...the makcik asked me if I am going to shoot he business place or just eat..."Lapar ni makcik, nak makan laaa tak larat dah nak amik gambau!"
Just as I finished the delicious meal, it started to drizzle...
Well....there goes my plan to do more shots.....off to my wifey's office then....