Kantoi the twins borak-ing...in their bedroom, few minutes after lights off...
Naufal: So....how was Raya aaa Kakak?

Alisya: Hmmm...I think it was really a feast....foods, foods and more foods, like when we went to that authentic Indon Minang Restaurant Mama always wanted to try - gheee I really loved that "teh botol" and the desert thingy (kinda like ABC but not quite), and that day when we went to TGIF for a feast of Fajita Nachos and some western foods - the waiter & waitress were really nice to me...well, of course they have to be nice since I am so cute ha ha ha!
Naufal: UWEKKK!
Alisya: Oh oh oh and remember the trip to Chiken Rice Shop in Alamanda when that waitress cud not believe in this world there is a girl as cute as me...and at McD Leisure Mall when the two aunties keep on tyring to borak with us? Mana lagi ekk kita gi makan Adeik?! Anyway, bottom line dia, I cannot recall we went to so many eating place in a week, but most of all, I really enjoyed our homemade ketupat, and stuffs....Mama makes the bestest rendang in the whole world, hands down. Ishhh...laparr aaa pulak Adeik...

Naufal: Yeah...that's you laa Kakak...foods, foods foods...well I am not really into eating....what I really like about this raya is we got lotsa toys in a week, the Bob The Builder Tools, the garbage truck, and you got your Baby kit..and oh oh oh our fishing rod! And I did enjoy our long distance drive, when Tok Mak & Tok Abah finally arrived after a month long stay in Mecca, we went to fetch them...went all the way down to JB at our Pak Ngah's place....lama siut kita dah tak gi Jb kan Kakak kan?
Alisya: Yeah...but too bad Ayah was called back to office the next day...spoil betul laaa kan Adeik!?
Naufal: Ya laaa! Apaa laa Ayah ni.....baru nak main Bob the builder dgn Abg Danial dah nak kena rush balik KL plak...nasib baik we continued the celebration this weekend...went back to Kampung and the cousins were there too...yahuuu!

Alisya: Yeshh!!! Yeshhh!! I enjoyed burning the bunga api...woohooo!

Alisya: But pity our baby cousins Raiyan & Danish...they are too young to join us messing up Tok Mak & Tok Abah's hall....maybe next year kot?
Naufal: Ha ah laa...Kesyiaann kat Raiyan especially, sebab dia demam....eh!! But maybe he'll be coming here tomorrow morning kan after apppointment dgn doctor? Woohooo!! Baby Raiyan is coming!
Alisya: Ye ka? Besshhh laa kalau mcm tu! Anyway we did have a great time....kan?
Naufal: Yeah we sure did....
Alisya: Eh Adeik! Maybe tomorrow night we can still pasang the pelita at our home laa kan Adeik? We still have bunga api kaa?
Naufal: Ada lagi kot....I think Mama ada simpan somewhere in that white plastic bag, hmmm I think I know where....tomorrow we can korek and find it lah, Mama & Ayah working kan tomorrow?
Alisya & Naufal: Hehehehehhe! Hek! Hek! Hek! Hek!
Mama: Oi! Tu apa yg borak2 lagi dlm bilik tu! Go to sleep laaa...Mama gigit kang!
Alisya & Naufal: Alamak....almost kantoi.....Zzzzzzzz!

Tok Mak & Tok Abah's Little Mess-Makers