Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Dad & daughter

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket This was shot last night...by my pretty wifey. Quite a good compo for a lady who seldom handles a DSLR! Aliya - ergh...owh sorry - Neena is always looking for me nowadays. The only time she'd want to be left alone is when she's about to doze off...or bila dia mengigau tgh2 malam (weerghhh!!...unlike the twins, only wifey can handle her in this case).

Anyway, she's really really fast...not even 2 (about a month to go) but she can already combine 2 or 3 words to make a proper phrase. Depending on her mood she's be talking to strangers - kids or adults - as if they'd understand what she's trying to convey....wna hand gestures + facial expressions included.

It is a norm for her cheeks to be pinched by passers by....at times she'd even offered me her hands and say "Djijit, djigit" (gigit or bite me!).

Now tell me why deep in my heart, every day when I am off to work I will have this problem of saying good-bye to Aliya - erghh sorry baby - Neena?

This card I'll always keep as a treasurePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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