Sunday, March 13, 2005

Ahmad Raiyan Iman

Ahmad Raiyan Iman kid sister - the youngest of us three - became a mother today!
The image posted above is perhaps the first shot of the handsome guy, named Ahmad Raiyan Iman and he is SOOOOOO CUUUUTTTTEEEEE!!

Alisya loves babies and Raiyan is her first younger cousin, I wonder how it would be like when Raiyan is able to walk and talk.....must be loads of fun to see them together nanti!

Naufal, looking at his kid cousin, who - just like him when he was born - has no eye brows! And ironically, we had the intention to name him Naufal Raiyan (or Raiyan Naufal) but decided for Naufal Irsyad because it sounds better!

Mak & Abah looked very happy, since they now have 5 grandchildren....and hold on, another one is coming in April 2005!!

Next Raya is going to be very interesting - aye kids?!

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